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Hood and fairing surface finishing

I have made good progress in finishing my hood and fairings. After using an epoxy resin loaded with microballoon, I took a waxed gel coat that I spread. I think this step was too much, because this gel coat has dried badly, despite respecting the paraffin and the catalyst…. It’s not easy to sand either. And besides, since I didn’t like the finish, I had to sand hard to remove the paraffin. Here is a photo of the rendering.

I then put a cellulose putty for the finish.

Sanding is easy with water. There are still some flaws that will require a last little coat, but I’m really very close to the final version


Scientific and passionate about aviation and aeromodelling for 45 years, I am here to share with you my models, my techniques, my achievements and what I have learned over the years.

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