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The Potez 58 landing gear: Final assembly

In this last step, I will show you the method used to assemble my landing gear.

To get started, here is a picture with the equipment I will need. As you can see, I needed wheels, fairings, 4 mm threaded rod, 1 mm piano wire, wheel stops, a dremel and drill bits, and epoxy glue.

Preparation of the wheel axle

During the previous parts, I had used a 2 mm piano wire to make the wheel axle. After discussions and reflections, it appeared to me that this one was likely to be too weak. I removed it, glued a tube in the fixed part of the train to insert a 4 mm threaded rod. The threaded rod is thus screwed into the fixed leg and secured by a locking nut.

I then added the damped leg which is screwed on the threaded rod and with the help of pliers, I twisted the remaining axle to have the wheel upright when the plane will be standing.

Gluing the undercarriage in the fuselage

Once the axles were ready, I installed the undercarriage on the plane, checked the geometry one last time and glued the landing gear with epoxy for 30 minutes.

Preparation of the fastening system in the fairing

The next step was the preparation of the wheel fixing system in the fairing. I first drilled a hole in the fairing to allow the wheel axle to pass through.

The fairing will be fixed by a piano wire rod bent to fit into the wheel cover and will be held by a wheel stop on the axle. To do so, a hole of 1.2 mm must be drilled at 90° from the location of the tightening screw on the wheel stop. Once done, I put the 1 mm piano wire and glued with epoxy 30 mn.

Once dry, I cut the piano wire to the right size and bent it. A hole corresponding to the diameter of the piano wire is drilled where the bent rod will be inserted.

Wheel and fairing assembly

I started inserting the threaded rod, which is the wheel axle, into the fairing. I inserted the axle with the bent piano wire in the fairing and on the threaded rod (see pictures).

I then inserted the wheel, 2 washers and the threaded rod in the outer hole of the fairing.

Afterwards, I cut the excess part of the wheel axle, adjusted the position of the fairing and tightened the wheel stop screw on the axle. Thus the fairing is held in position and stays in place.

Photos to visualise the result

Here is a series of pictures of the plane put back on its legs and scale details. I am happy. Feel free to comment.


Scientific and passionate about aviation and aeromodelling for 45 years, I am here to share with you my models, my techniques, my achievements and what I have learned over the years.

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