You are currently viewing The continuation of the realization of the cockpit

The continuation of the realization of the cockpit

After having finished (for the moment) with the seats, I go on with the details of the cockpit and in particular a series of push buttons present on a lower dashboard (see red circle)

La photo originale de l’avion de 1936. The original photo on the 1936 plane

You can see that it is equipped with an instrument indicating the oil pressure and 4 push buttons, 3 on the part just below the dashboard and one on the lowest part below the dashboard.

The push buttons are made from 1 mm aluminium tube and round cut from 1.5 mm balsa wood.

The formwork of the lower part is also made of balsa wood and plywood for the facade part supporting the oil pressure gauge. Cellulose dope is applied to all the wooden elements.

Enduit cellulosique sur les parties en bois. Cellulose dope layed on wood parts

A coat of primer to coat the pores well before painting the different elements.

Dépôt d’une couche d’enduit garnissant. Deposition of a layer of primer.

The wooden block is painted black. I cut out a metal washer to make the outline of the instrument and the front part is glued on the wooden block. This part is drilled to receive the push buttons.

The metal tubes are inserted into the rounded balsa representing the button. The button itself has been painted with silver paint.

The buttons are glued to the facade and the wooden part. The 4th button is added on the lower sloping part.

The board with the instruments as well as the part made above are glued in place in the aircraft .

Note that the photos are taken in close-up and show all the defects that are less visible to normal eyes.


Scientific and passionate about aviation and aeromodelling for 45 years, I am here to share with you my models, my techniques, my achievements and what I have learned over the years.

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